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Liberatory Design Card Deck

What is this?
These cards are loaded with questions that you should ask yourself and your team at every step of your project to practice self-awareness and interrogate power structures.

When should I use this?
This resource is best consulted when designing a project plan and then at every major stage of that project.

More about this...
Much of our work in education policy is aimed at creating a more equitable system of schools, but we don’t always take the time to reflect on our own identity, values, emotions, biases, and assumptions and how they may affect our work both positively and negatively. This card deck, a collaboration between the Stanford’s K12 lab and the National Equity Project, lays out the liberatory design process, liberatory design mindsets, and liberatory design methods. It poses challenging questions such as this one that you can tackle with your team: “How do systemic oppression and/or privilege affect this community, and how does that relate to this project?”